Oh hey there, Welcome!

Will be remaking this page soon!!!

Welcome Human! Wait, why are you here?

I suppose i could let you in? Whatever, My name's Azu!

Uhm, do you need anything?

[NO] Well, ok then. Uh, hey! Could you check around here for a little while?
It took sometime to make this.. So, i appreciated it if you look around here ^^

Pstt..this web is NOT mobile friendly.
its too messy on mobile

solution :


Oh uh, heres an intro about me!

(might uptade from time to time)

My REAL name is actually Emily! (dont. make. fun.)
What do i do?? Make art/drawings!!
Then why scripting?? Im trying to achieve my dreams of ACTUALLY making a website with
proper scripting lawl !!

Pronouns? Any !! / Nation? Indonesiaa! / Bday? 2 Junee

Fandoms im currently in !!



- 11/1/24 -
we are SO back
Ive started trying Blender lately, kind of confusing but i got it trust me-
my tumblr is going on a hiatuss, until botbots arive with a new seasonn

Recent Art!

NONE haahaha

Fav Songs!

(will change from time to time)

Ik drama has started about Vivzie and her shows but regardless i think this
sounds great!